Brandon Dillman Leadership Studies Portfolio

Church Involvement

Youth Pastor: Potosi Baptist Church - March '11 through May '12

Starting the summer of 2011, I served as the Youth Pastor at Potosi Baptist Church.  Responsibilities for this position included:
  • Weekly lessons every Wednesday night and Sunday morning
  • Lead the Youth Committee
  • Substitute preach during Pastor's absences.
  • Plan lock-ins for the youth
  • Plan movie nights for the youth.
  • Organized bi-monthly fundraisers.
  • Manage the Youth building: cleaning, maintenance.
  • Assisted a student with his Eagle Project
This was been an extremely beneficial time in my life to learn and strengthen myself as a leader, servant, and a person.  I learned much through the different responsibilities of this position, but the times of greatest growth came through the times of trial.

  • From 2003 through 2009, I operated the video and PowerPoint for the church.
  • From 2007 through 2010, I ran sound for my Church on a weekly basis.
  • From 2007 through 2008, I assisted in maintaining the church website.
  • From May '12 through present, I operate the sound for the South Side Baptist Church College Ministry.
Mission Trips:
I have been blessed to participate in six mission trip, both inside and outside of the United States.
  • 2006 and 2007 - Basconcobe, Sonora, Mexico.
  • 2009 - Washington, D.C. Inner-city Missions through Center for Student Missions
  • 2011, '12, '13 - Beach Reach in Panama City Beach, Florida.
Youth Ministry:
Prior to attending Hardin-Simmons I was actively involved in Youth Ministry.  It was through this point in my life that I developed a foundation of faith to be built upon, and still building upon. Through the ministry that I observed I developed a desire for, and felt my call to minister to others like others had done for me.

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